Thank you very much to for the Nomination! Bit of fun so here goes!

The Mystery Blogger Award was created by the wonderful Okoto Enigma, who I’m sure we can all agree can describe the award better in her own words, than I ever could, so without further ado:

“The “Mystery Blogger Award” is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging; and they do it with so much love and passion”.




Put the award logo/image on your blog
List the rules.
Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question
Share a link to your best post(s)




  1. I was a hospital wardsman for 3 years as a casual on call. Essentially I cleaned a lot like a janitor but I also did a lot of patient handling and pushing around trolleys and so forth. I saw it as work that would be interesting and hopefully helpful to others.
  2. I graduated in 2004 with Bachelor of Creative Industries (Creative Writing). Like a lot of Arts students I don’t know if it has helped me with employment and certainly my punctuation and grammar suggests it didn’t upskill me but it’s what I wanted to do and I put my mind to it and I’m very proud I have my degree.
  3. I worked as a production runner (gopher) on a B-grade action film shot on the Gold Coast in Australia. It was called Vigilante and was the second feature that Margot Robbie did. I’m chuffed I got to work in the film industry however minor it was.




Is there a remake/reboot of a film that you wish you could erase from history?

This is a tough question because nothing immediately comes to mind. The truly terrible remakes I’ve avoided and haven’t gotten a chance to see the classic originals. I don’t think Planet of the Apes directed by Tim Burton was terrible but it was a waste of time really considering the original’s superiority.

If you could put any director and any actor together from any time in history for one film, who would they be? 

Think of the endless possibilities? John Ford with Arnold Schwarznegger, Steven Spielberg with James Stewart, Meryl Streep with Billy Wilder, Scarlett Johansson with Alfred Hitchcock, Todd Haynes with Audrey Hepburn. That said let’s say Spielberg directing Stewart for one choice.

What was your favourite film of 1987? (Totally random one there!)

Favourite film is probably Lethal Weapon but Predator, Innerspace, Robocop, Moonstruck, Good Morning Vietnam, The Living Daylights, Planes, Trains & Automobiles spring to mind. The appeal of Lethal Weapon is the pairing of Glover with Gibson, the excitingly shot action and that classic Shane Black wit. It’s still got real heart too, it’s about a broken man being brought back into the land of the living.

Why do you write about film, or anything really?

I’m a film buff and this allows me to reach people and connect over a shared love. To maybe get better at doing this so one day I can make money out of it but that’s not really it. It’s actually really simple, I write because I want to.

Which film should win Best Picture at the Oscars this weekend?

My best film of 2016 isn’t even nominated, out of the nominees I’d probably give it to Fences but La La Land, Arrival and Moonlight are all better in different ways. It is all very subjective and I’d be happy with any of those nominees winning. I suspect when I see Hell or High Water it will be my favourite.




Cindy Bruchman


Paul S

Windswept and Interesting

It Rains… You Get Wet

Don Ostertag: Off Stage

Wayne’s Journal


Assholes Watching Movies






Jet Eliot

On the Screen Reviews

John Knifton

Alex Raphael


John Rieber


They’re all great blogs to read so check them out. The following five questions I pose to them to answer.

  1. What is your favourite romantic film?
  2. What is the sexiest love scene you’ve ever seen in a film?
  3. Which leading couple in film or television do you think had mad chemistry?
  4. What is one of the worst places you’ve ever worked?
  5. If you were a item from your kitchen, would you be and explain why?

Image result for emma stone ryan gosling crazy stupid love

It’s tough to pick a favourite post, not that I don’t hate a few but only one favourite is tricky. I’ll say it was the short story I wrote Birth Days.

– Lloyd Marken


CFY Sunshine Blogger award

I consider myself very lucky and grateful to have been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Alan over at Content For You. Alan’s Blog is a great source of information, predominantly full of entertainment industry news, film reviews and interesting pieces of trivia about films and those that make them. Always eager to reblog something he enjoys from another blogger, his site allowed me to learn of the work of not just him but other fellow bloggers whose work I’ve come to enjoy. Please check out his answers here.

The aim of the game with the Sunshine Blogger award is to answer 11 questions Alan asked of me and then write my own questions for 11 Bloggers I nominate to answer. Thanks once again Alan, you’re a champ. I hope to avoid asking too many questions people have already received from previous nominations.


First up Alan asks the following 11 questions, any other readers please put your answers in the comments section

  1. You are on a desert island for a year, you can only take 3 movies with you, 1 action, 1 comedy and one drama, what would they be? I humbly submit Thelma and Louise could serve as a perfect example of all 3. Off the time of my head let’s throw Lethal Weapon and About Time in there too.
  2. Pick your favourite actor who played Bond? Sir Sean Connery. Accept no substitutes.
  3. Name a movie which you love but hardly anyone else seems to like? Only my wife and I seem to have seen About Time. What is wrong with you people?
  4. An actor or actress who no matter how bad the movie is you still want to watch it because the actor or actress is so good? I’ve followed Harrison Ford through some dog shit and loved him in it.
  5. What would have been the greatest decade for most high quality movies released? I don’t think you can beat the 1970s for American movies. I’m still hoping to see so many titles from that era and of course I grew up in the aftermath of that period that influenced so many of the movies I went and saw. I’ve noticed lately I’m getting nostalgia for films from the 90s more and more and I think that has to do with what the time meant to me as much as anything but it’s the 70s kids.
  6. What movie do you never want to see again, even if your life depended on it? If my life depends on it, I’ll see it okay! I will say the worst movie I ever saw was Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Movie for Your Colon or something like that. Ten minutes in I treated it like an endurance test and a matter of pride to sit and watch the whole thing. Years ago I watched the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre believing it was more than based on actual events. That dinner sequence at the end was excruciating but at least I can see the craft and success in what Tobe Hooper achieved there. Aqua Teen Hunger Force just sucked. I hated, hated, hated it.Image result for aqua teen hunger force movie for colon
  7. Of the current crop of teen and 20s actors-actresses who will still be a big star when they are 55? There’s no doubt in my mind that Elle Fanning and Emma Watson are fantastic actresses. Whether they’re big in 30 years is a crapshoot. Hollywood has no rhyme or reason and we’ve got a long way to go before there’s more roles for women over 40. Is it bad that girls came to mind. I thought of Felicity Jones immediately but she’s in her 30s. I think Aaron Taylor-Johnson had a moment in Kick-Ass. I’d like to see him still around too.
  8. For every one movie you watch in a theatre how many do you watch at home? That’s a tough one. Maybe 4.
  9. If you could spend one hour with a movie star past or present who would it be and why? James Stewart. Part of it would be that he is a Vet. Why I don’t’ know. I mean I’m not going to ask him about the war. I’d like to pick his brain though. Oh who am I kidding, it would be Jennifer Garner. I’d just sit there and drink it in. Maybe David Letterman, Johnny Carson, Christopher Reeve, Harrison Ford, Robin Williams….you get the idea.Image result for jennifer garner dinner texas buyers club
  10. Apart from your own, what is your favourite non commercial hobby movie blog? I have a few favourites. If you’re one of the 11 I chose I’d say you’re one of them. But if it has to be one, it’s Cindy Bruchman. She’s given me confidence in my own blog and there’s never post on her’s I skip. No post is ever too long or too short and they’re about subjects that interest me.
  11. How many movies do you think you watched in the last 12 months? Including ones I’ve already seen I think it could easily be over 400.

I nominate       Cindy Bruchman

GP Cox

Beetley Pete


Paul S

Windswept and Interesting

It Rains…You Get Wet

A. Gray

Assholes Watching Movies




Image result for james lipton where were you born? gifs

Anybody familiar with the excellent Inside the Actors Studio will recognise some of the questions below but they’re still interesting to ask them of you and the rest I came up with myself. 😛

  1. Where were you born?
  2. What sound or noise turns you on?
  3. What sound or noise turns you off?
  4. What is your favourite curse word?
  5. What is your favourite late night talk show host?
  6. What is the attribute you’ve admired most in a long term partner?
  7. When you arrive at the pearly gates, what do you hope God will say to you?
  8. What was the first James Bond you saw at the movies and was he your favourite Bond?
  9. What is one of the sexiest things somebody ever did for you?
  10. Did you or somebody close to you ever serve in the military?
  11. There is no such thing as an ugly person only somebody who doesn’t see how beautiful they truly are. Nonetheless out of modern celebrities who do you find the most attractive? Screen persona can inform this as well as the obvious physical attributes.